Debian Wheezy 64 Vagrant Base Box
In the same spirit as Debian Squeeze 64 Vagrant Base Box this post describes a new Vagrant base box for Debian Wheezy. Wheezy is currently the unstable version of Debian, meaning the box is a constant work in progress. I will update this post each time the box is upgraded.
To get up and running you just need to:
gem install vagrant
vagrant box add wheezy64
vagrant init wheezy64
vagrant up
The base box has the following characteristics:
- 395Mb in it’s packaged form;
- 8Gb hard drive;
- Debian Wheezy with a linux-image-3.2.0-1-amd64 kernel;
- fr_CH keyboard layout;
- Debian packaged ruby 1.8;
- Debian packaged puppet 2.7.10-1;
- Chef 0.9.14 installed as a system wide gem;
- VirtualBox Guest Tools 4.1.8r75467
For those interrested in the details, the box was built by following Vagrant’s instructions for creating base boxes to create a Squeeze box which was then upgraded to Wheezy.
In order to reduce the packaged VM’s size, a little bit of cleaning up was required. The following steps where used:
Inside the VM:
sudo aptitude purge cpp-4.3 gcc-4.3-base
sudo aptitude purge cpp-4.4 gcc-4.4-base g++-4.4
sudo aptitude purge python2.6 python2.6-minimal
sudo debfoster
sudo aptitude install zerofree
sudo apt-get clean
sudo rm -rf /usr/src/vboxguest*
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/doc
sudo find /var/cache -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;
Then halt the VM with vagrant:
vagrant halt
Restart the VM with VirtualBox and log in as root (the root password was set to ‘vagrant’ during previous steps):
init 1
Type the root password and then:
mount -o remount,ro /dev/sda1
zerofree /dev/sda1
- Update (04/01/2012): The base box has been updated to Virtual Box Guest Additions v4.1.10, chef 0.10.8 and the latest _Debian Wheezy updates.
- Update (04/04/2012): The base box has been updated to Virtual Box Guest Additions v4.1.12 and the latest _Debian Wheezy updates.
- Update (29/04/2012): The package has been updated to the latest _Debian Wheezy updates and the nfs-common package was installed.
- Update (05/07/2012): The base box has been updated to Virtual Box Guest Additions v4.1.14 and the latest _Debian Wheezy updates.
Author Dominique Broeglin
LastMod 2012-02-25